About the Book
The book presents a complete course in Practical Physics prescribed for Class XI of 10 + 2 system and is in full
conformity with the latest speclfications laid dourn by Central Board of Secondary Ne w Dellü and other
Indian School Education B oards
Laboratory work has tv:o important aspects. First it provides an opportunity to study the Riles and laws of
physics that gMæm the natural world. Secondly, it provides the tools for many human activities — of engineers,
electrom c designers, managers of physics propcts and others — that allow us to alter and construct the matenal world
to suit to our needs and topursue our wish to discover the unknown.
The book has been divided into three sections. The section — Basics of Experimental Physics does not pertain to
the formal prescribed syllabus but LS dented to a proper discussion of Enor Analysis, use "Logarithm and Graphs.
It is followed by the sections A and B, which are devoted to Formal Experimental Physics and Activities in Physics
prescribed in the syllabus of the present course. It is observed that an student needs initiative to proceed with
the expefiment in an independent way. For achieving this aim and to make the book result oriented, the book is
studded with the following fea tures :
Salient Features of the Book :
Due emphasis has been laid on Error Analysis, use of Logarithm and Graphs to train the students, before they
undertake to proceed with Experimen ts and A ctivities.
Each expefimentis preceded by necrssary and relevant theory of the expenment_
The procedure of each experiment has been explained with its minute details, so that the students can perform
the expenment With ease and skill.
The systematic and scientific scheme of recording the observations in tabular form has been encouraged
throughout the book
Due emphasis has been gixæn on the precautions and sources of enor in an expenment to help the students to
perform the expefiment successfully and arnve at the accura te result.
Sipnple and relevant Exercises on the prescribed experimentshavebeendiscussed with necessary hints with a
view to provide in- depth study of the experiments.
Viva Voc. is an important Ingredient of a practical examination. So that students may prepare
confidently, a large number of Freq uently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been given after the expeflment.
Investigatory Projects have been giiæn at the end of the book.
Some of the expenments involve some subtle point but the students without knowing the hows and whys,
hasten to perform the experiment mechamcally_ A young expenmenter shoul d always be encouraged to expl ore
such points and try' to Vlsualize the hidden reasons, smce when the eyes cannot see for themselves, it is diffi cult
for the mind to perceive. The readers Will appreciate the novel feature — Insight of the book, which aims at
unra velling such p oints _