The Impressions series is designed in accordance with the new pedagogical and curriculum structure 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 proposed under National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020. The series caters to the five foundational years and three preparatory stages [5 + 3] comprising Nursery. LKG, UKG and classes 1-5. The aim of this series is to instill inquisitiveness and the passion for learning in children. Each part of the series is carefully planned and builds conceptual linkage with real-life experience for lifelong learning.
• Explore: Each chapter begins with a list of learning outcomes
• Let's Connect: Warm-up that recalls the previous knowledge of the learner
• Did You Know: Facts impart bits of important related information of the concept
• Word Bud: List of new vocabulary with meaning
• Reading Comprehension: Set of question that test understanding of the chapter
• Vocabulary: Topics that help learners improve their language development and communication
• Grammar: Detailed explanation with extensive practice
• Phonics: Topic that help develop phonological awareness
• Listening and Speaking: Questions to practice to chance communication skills
• Writing: Extensive practice to improve written communication
• Link: Crosslink that connects the concept with other subjects
• Skills: 21st Century Skills are incorporated to create a global citizen
• Art Integration: Activities incorporated to promote learning by art
• SDGs: Lessons aligned with the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• Digital Support: Enhanced with additional digital support like e-book, test generator and interactive classroom activities