Modern's abc of CompuEr Science Python has been developed from
practkal 9 tested and concepts to achieve a number goals. The fi rst gc»l
to gi%e a sol id forfu rtf-er study to begi nners who to be
Science majors. Since ccnlg'ting is becoming increasingly important a much
wi&r range of scientific engineering disciplines, the goal is to provide
conceptual tools relaEd to the field to thcse students who wish to pursue
advanced cou rses in Compute rScience. Fi nal Iy a nwre pervasive gcnl is to al
students not only to programming coxepts also to the intellectually rich
foundations of field so tiat they canscore hu ndred cent marks inexams.
Salient of Book
To helpstudents assimibte the material, we hoe provi&dthe study aids:
Each chapter has an outline section at beginning and a sumrnary section at
theeM, hbhlightingtt-e main points
Marginal tutes mark important coxepts and definitiors; ard 4'ick review
been provided to revise all concepts qu icklyforexams.
Each practically tested and &bugged, is provided with output
with step-bpstep pictorial explanations with bars and borders.
Chapters covering data structures and pyplot are beautifully ex#ined
different types of graph ics for quickand everlasting leam
All chapters end with exercSes, whichare divded into bllowing sections:
• Multiple choice questions with ansærs
• Solved short answer and long answerquestbns
Solved Programs and Viva Questions
• exercises and Self-Test for practice
There are Unit-wSe Question Banks withanswers available in web ink.
Asolved Sample Paper has been given at the end ofthe book.