As the name implies, a workbook is meant to serve one primary purpose: to give
students hands-on exposure to textbook material. In other words, workbooks are a
structured way of getting a student to practically interact with class material. Drawing
upon the fact that learning gets solidly embedded by doing rather than by merely
reading, workbooks are a means of integrating activity with knowledge acquisition. Here
let us recall an old maxim: 'practice maketh a man perfect'.
This Workbook Series succeeds in arousing the child's interest in the subject
matter of accompanying textbooks. Active curiosity is a better teacher than placid
acceptance. Thus, while the primary focus is firmly on those areas that a child may find
hard to grasp, a set of clues brings all items within the range of the child's assimilation.
Every attempt has been made to present the practice material in a stimulating manner.
We have every reason to feel confident that the series will make the teaching and
learning of English a rewarding as well as challenging experience.