HOLY FAITH ART & CRAFT series designed by
renowned artist Madhu Powle is a praiseworthy
attempt towards teaching art and craft in a
scientific and playful manner to youngsters in the
age group of 4-12 years.
Starting with simpler patterns focussing on basic
shapes, the drift has gradually been towards
more complicated patterns stressing
imagination. To avoid monotony, basic shapes
are not treated in isolation of the patterns given.
They are very much a part of the main text in
each book.
All the books carry pouches of colourful
perforated stickers to be pasted on the shapes
forming a variety of patterns. Since, after the
pasting, a student graduates to formal lessons in
painting, certain odd shapes have been left in
each figure for the student to paint and beautify
them imaginatively with vibrant colours of his/her
Gradually, the scope of the books has been
widened at higher stages to include preparation
of articles from art paper.
Contrar y to the common perception,
HOLY FAITH ART & CRAFT series successfully
elucidates that art and craft is much more than
mere paper cutting and pasting. It is surely a
more creative and more fulfilling experience
when you are learning through this series which is
a cut above other stereotyped craft books.