Man is a social animal. Throughout life—as infant, child, teenager and adult—we come into contact with many other people.
We come into contact with relatives, friends and strangers. So we must learn the forms of behaviour appropriate to the society
in which we find ourselves. We must learn to protect our interests, yet respect the interests of others. We must learn how to
express ourselves, and yet listen to the opinions of others.
Social Studies, as a subject of study, deals with people. It deals with where people live and how they live — both in the present
and in historical times. It deals with what people do for a living, how they think and behave, and what their way of life or
culture is. To be a good citizen, it is very important to know all this from an early age. That is why Social Studies has been
introduced as a subject of study from the very First Standard. And it is really a very important subject because it broadens the
child's outlook and also widens their range of general knowledge as no other subject does.
Environmental conditions are not merely physical conditions in which a person lives. They also include social, economic,
cultural and other factors that influence a persons's life. That is why Social Studies has come to be regarded as a part of
Environmental Studies.
abc of Social Studies has been written strictly in accordance with the guidelines issued by the NCERT, and the
recommendations of the National Advisory Committee. Meaningful illustrations, simple language, logical presentation and
lively revision-cum-group activities are some of the many features that will make the series indispensable for every child.
Creative suggestions for further improvement of the series will be gratefully acknowledged.