Rejoice and Grow – I can Read Myself books consist of one reader with stories and poems for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet and two workbooks. These books take the child from recognizing letter sounds to reading independently in a very scientific manner. Variety of activities and exercises enable the child to read as well as understand the basics of grammar. Each and every story, poem and exercise is chosen keeping in mind the gradual and steady approach towards independent reading.
• Listen to and distinguish between different sounds
• Rhyme and alliterate
• Recognize small and capital letter symbols and names
• Know the abc order and be able to sort real-life objects in abc order
• Associate capital letters with corresponding small letters and vice versa
• Associate letters (small and capital) with correct images and sounds
• Write small and capital letters
• Sound out and read rhyming and CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words
• Recognize and read commonly used sight words
• Write phonetically correct words (they may be wrong in terms of spellings)
• Sound out and read words, sentences and short, simple stories